Case Studies

Anna S Mine Passive Treatment Complex

Hedin Environmental has worked with the Babb Creek Watershed Association on mine water treatment projects since 2002. Our assistance includes assessments of the performance of existing treatment systems, the planned reconstruction of ones needing rehabilitation, and the design of new treatment systems. Hedin Environmental designed the Anna S Mine passive treatment complex which is one of the largest and most successful passive AMD treatment systems in the US. In 2010, nearly fourteen miles of Babb Creek were removed from the commonwealth’s impaired streams list and designated as either exceptional value or high quality coldwater fishery.

Pittsburgh Botanic Garden AMD Treatment and Reclamation

The Pittsburgh Botanic Garden is being developed on abandoned mine lands in Settlers Cabin Park in Allegheny County. The site has a variety of Abandoned Mine Land (AML) problems that are being addressed through a combination of land reclamation and passive water treatment. Hedin Environmental has been the lead consultant for AML work at the site since its inception. The first project was the Lotus Pond passive acid mine drainage treatment system. Two additional passive treatment system projects are underway, in addition to two land reclamation projects.

International and Hardrock Passive Treatment

Hedin Environmental has advised hardrock mining clients in South America, Africa, and Asia at dozens of mine sites on compliance issues. Passive treatment systems designed by Hedin Environmental are included in mine closure plans and dramatically lower post closure treatment costs.

Lowber Passive Treatment System

The Marchand Mine in Lowber Pennsylvania closed in 1938 and polluted miles of Sewickley Creek and the Youghiogheny River with iron oxide. In 2006, Hedin Environmental designed, permitted, and oversaw the construction of a passive treatment system for the Sewickley Creek Watershed Association. The system treats about 1,800 gallons/minute of water from 60 mg/L Fe to less than 2 mg/L and captures 1.5 tons of iron oxide per day which is sold as pigment. Sewickley Creek and the Youghiogheny River are no longer orange and are used for recreation.

Twomile Run Watershed Restoration

Hedin Environmental has been working with the Kettle Creek Watershed Association and Trout Unlimited on the restoration of Twomile Run, a tributary to Kettle Creek, since 2000. Twomile Run is a high gradient coldwater stream located in Sproul State Forest in Clinton County. The headwaters contain native brook trout, but coal mining in the middle sections of the watershed has created severe acid mine drainage which had eliminated all downstream aquatic life. The restoration strategy for the watershed is a combination of reclamation and passive treatment. Hedin Environmental’s responsibilities have included mine drainage assessments, the development of a master restoration plan, and the technical management of all mine drainage treatment projects. Hedin Environmental assisted in the preparation of proposals, developed construction plans, obtained permits, managed bidding, managed construction, and assisted with reporting. Hedin Environmental designed and constructed a total of eight passive treatment systems, and redesigned and rebuilt one system that was designed by others.